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Designer Maker
Puppet and Prop Designer, Maker, and Performer
The Old Library, Cardiff
Designers and Makers - Emma McGrath, Dominic Shah, Olivia Lewis and Kat Brown
Directors - Lucy Hall and Dik Downey
Sound Designer - Charlie Moore
Musical Director - Kat Stephenson
Composers / Musicians - Issac Lindley and Kat Stephenson
Photographer - Kirsten McTernan
Giant - Puppetry Project: Feature
Giant - Puppetry Project: Video
Giant - Puppetry Project: Video
Giant - Puppetry Project: Video
Giant - Puppetry Project: Pro Gallery
Giant - Puppetry Project: Text
Giant - Puppetry Project: Pro Gallery
Giant - Puppetry Project: Text
Giant - Puppetry Project: Pro Gallery
Giant - Puppetry Project: Text